Meet the team

Dr. Katherine Graham is an assistant professor in CEE at Georgia Tech. She completed her undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Michigan and her MS and PhD in Environmental Engineering and Science at Stanford University. She is primarily interested microbial water quality, microbiology of the built and natural environments, and health risk assessment.

Jorja is a first year MS/PhD student studying Environmental Engineering. She earned her B.S. in Applied Mathematics at Arizona State University with a double minor in violin performance and chemistry. Her research background includes modeling emissions from wastewater treatment plants and discovering novel diagnostic tools for inflammatory bowel disease through metagenomic and metaproteomic analysis of the human gut microbiome. Her research interests include microbial biodegradation of environmental pollutants, wastewater surveillance, and characterization of the drinking water microbiome.

Jacob Phaneuf is a first-year PhD student in Environmental Engineering from the Adirondack region of New York State. He completed his B.S. in Environmental Science at the University of California: Los Angeles and his M.S. in Environmental Engineering at Stanford University. His core research interests include the fate and transport of antimicrobial resistance genes, human health risks of impaired recreational waters, and environmental metagenomic applications for public health understanding. Outside of the lab and classroom, Jacob is a triathlete who also enjoys skiing, hiking, and traveling to new places.

Caitlyn Gibson is a BS/MS environmental engineering student from Annapolis, Maryland. She is interested in water engineering and microbiology, and is currrently working with Katy to validate different techniques of identifying monkeypox in wastewater.

Principle Investigator

Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students